If you've ever wondered how much it would cost you to insulate your home from top to bottom but were never quite sure where to start then you'll be pleased to know that we've put together a handy little infographic to help you on your way!
Roofing Insulation Available
This infographic shows you a selection of the various types of insulation available for you to install in your home including cavity wall insulation, loft insulation and even windows. For each type of insulation, we've included how much it'll cost you to have it installed by a professional and, in some cases, the cost of doing it yourself.
The little black tags tell you how much you could save on your energy bills! Most importantly, we've included exactly how long it'll take for your investment to pay for itself! For example, lagging your tanks, pipes and radiators only takes a mere 6 months to pay for itself, whilst solid wall insulation is a much more long-term investment, taking a whopping 22 years to return your initial payments.

How Much Does It Cost To Insulate Your Home - An infographic by the team at Ashbrook Roofing
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